When it comes to information, more is more. A small investment in unearthing facts can pay tremendous dividends down the line. We can find key intelligence to give you the edge in litigation, negotiations, or business decisions and advise you on how to strategically deploy that information. We are smart, affordable, and ethical, and we always strive to find creative solutions to even the toughest problems without breaking the rules or the bank.
From identifying a defendant's recoverable assets to evaluating the solvency of investors, guarantors, or prospective business partners, we can help.
It pays to do your homework. We can help find the facts you need before you enter into a deal, make an investment, or bring on a new partner.
Full knowledge of a person’s past can minimize your risk, whether that person is an expert witness, litigation opponent, or prospective board member.
Trouble finding a defendant? Your star witness disappeared? We use proprietary databases, social media profiling, and interviews to find people fast.
We use sophisticated interview techniques to find and vet witnesses who have information crucial to your case.
We work with a network of trusted professionals to provide high-quality, low-cost investigations around the globe.